Hitachi Care and Green Service” Hitachi Yungtay Elevator starts a new chapter of smart energy management

2022 Energy Taiwan not only focuses on multiple renewable energy sources, but also shows that energy conservation, energy storage and smart energy management have played a key role in constructing green and low-carbon energy management. Hitachi Yungtay Elevator, a global leader in the elevator industry, has launched a vertical mobility solution— “Hitachi Care and Green Service” , which meets the needs of intelligence and environmental protection. It adopts an proactive remote diagnosis and maintenance system, proactively capture signs of failure and perform predictive maintenance, and then recovers the electric energy generated during elevator operation and feed it back to the power grid of the building through the energy feedback device which reduces the use of electric energy from Taipower, achieving sustainable, intelligent and green energy elevator standard.


Hitachi Yungtay Elevator’s “Hitachi Care and Green Service” provides seamless, secure and reliable services through high-quality, high-efficiency and sustainable maintenance with precise, accurate and real-time remote analysis 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


In addition, the energy feedback device has also obtained the EU VDI 4707 highest energy-saving level 5A certification. It can save about 30% of energy consumption on average. The renewable energy is fed back to the power grid of the building for reuse by building lighting, air conditioning and office equipment. Besides achieving the purpose of energy saving and carbon reduction, it can also save public electricity sharing costs and reduce public maintenance costs.


Hitachi Yungtay Elevator said that in the product part, in addition to continuing the Yungtay Elevator brand, it also launched the Hitachi Elevator HIT series, which is specially designed for the localization needs of the Taiwan market and pursues safety and security, comfortable ride, and human-machine communication, providing the market with multiple options.


HIT has options such as automatic air cleaning system, intelligent sense sterilization system, and voice-activated, gesture or APP car calling system, and energy feedback device, which will make the elevator ride more comfortable in the future. In addition, HIT also uses the Internet of Things (IoT) and related safety patented technologies to provide customer value such as human-machine communication, safety and security.


Since the establishment of Yungtay Engineering, it has had close business and technology cooperation with Hitachi, and has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi in April 2022. Hitachi Yungtay Elevator has accumulated 56 years of maintenance service experience, and has more than 30 service locations nationwide, more than 1,200 certificates of lift installation and repair technician, complete professional qualifications of quality assurance and maintenance personnel, 24-hour maintenance and customer service consultation, providing year-round excellent service quality for customers.

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