Hualien 0403 Earthquake : Hitachi Yungtay Elevator Donation for Disaster Relief

On April 3rd, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Hualien. In addition to expressing concern for the affected people, Hitachi Yungtay Elevator also pays tribute to all disaster relief personnel. The company responded to the relief efforts by donating 3 million Japanese yen to the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China(Taiwan) (Account No. 121200135414) on April 11th, 2024. This action shows care for the victims and contributes to corporate responsibility.
In response to the 793 elevator malfunctions caused by the Hualien earthquake, our company’s employees have exerted everyone’s utmost efforts in restoration., As of 9 a.m. on April 15th, 94% of the elevators have been restored, with 47 still awaiting repair. The company is actively coordinating material and technical support to ensure that the damaged elevators are restored in a short period.
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